
How to perform different operations within Observer's update() in Java?

I just started playing with Observable, Observer and it's update() method and I can't understand what should I do when different actions call notifyObservers(). I mean, my Observable class has a few different methods that call setChanged() and notifyObservers() in the end. Depending on the called method, some part of the UI (Swing) need...

java.util.Observable, will clients complete executing their update() before continuing

When I call: setChanged(); notifyObservers(); on a java.until.Observable class, will all the listening Observer objects complete execution of their udpate() methods - assuming we are running in the same Thread - before the java.until.Observable class continues running? This is important because I will be sending a few messages throu...

How to get Rx Observable event stream inside MVVM ViewModel

I was just reading Rx HOL NET. Upon finding (example uses Windows Forms): var moves = Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(frm, "MouseMove"); I wonder how can I instantiate and pass the reference to moves to ViewModel in some WPF MVVM setup? In my understanding it does make sense to try and filter this stream of data inside ViewModel....

Is it acceptable practice to use Singleton Objects to save state or share data between Activities?

It would be nice if StackOverflow had a section where we could post tutorials like mine so that I can answer literally hundreds of questions that have been asked here with a single blow. See... every day I read questions about how to pass complex objects between activities, how to save state so that your app can resume after orientation ...

IObservable in Silverlight 4

Where can I find this class? I have included the Rx extensions. I have made sure the version I'm compiling to is Silverlight 4. My VS2010 IDE still has no idea what the type IObservable is. I didn't see them in the System.Collections.Generic namespace like this thread suggests http://dotnet.uservoice.com/forums/4325-silverlight-feature-...

Observable from Sequence in F#

Is there a way to creating an observable from a sequence in F#? The required behaviour is that an observer subscribing to the resulting observable receives all the values of the sequence one at a time. Edit: The question can be framed as: Is there an equivalent to Rx.Observable.FromArray([1,2,3]) as shown here in F#? Edit 2: Thanks ev...