I'm trying to convert a Drawing.Bitmap
to an Imaging.Metafile
for the purposes of inserting the metafile into a Forms.RichTextBox
. (For reference, embedding a bitmap in a metafile is the recommended practice for putting a bitmap into richtext (see Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification Version 1.9.1, p. 149.) Unfortunately it also appears to be the only way to embed an image into a Forms.RichTextBox, as I can't get any device-dependent or device-independent methods of inserting an bitmap into a RichTextBox to work.)
Later, I must retrieve the pixel-data from the metafile. I require that the pixels of the metafile exactly match those of the bitmap. When I perform the conversion, however, the pixels are slightly altered. (Perhaps due to GDI Image Color Management (ICM)?)
Here is my technique:
public static Imaging.Metafile BitmapToMetafileViaGraphicsDrawImage(Forms.RichTextBox rtfBox, Drawing.Bitmap bitmap)
Imaging.Metafile metafile;
using (IO.MemoryStream stream = new IO.MemoryStream())
using (Drawing.Graphics rtfBoxGraphics = rtfBox.CreateGraphics())
IntPtr pDeviceContext = rtfBoxGraphics.GetHdc();
metafile = new Imaging.Metafile(stream, pDeviceContext);
using (Drawing.Graphics imageGraphics = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(metafile))
//imageGraphics.DrawImage(bitmap, new Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
imageGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(bitmap, new Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
return metafile;
In this case I access the pixels of the metafile in this way:
metafile.Save(stream, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream, false);
bitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
I have also tried to use a BitBlt technique with no success.
BitBlt technique:
static extern int BitBlt(
IntPtr hdcDest, // handle to destination DC (device context)
int nXDest, // x-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nYDest, // y-coord of destination upper-left corner
int nWidth, // width of destination rectangle
int nHeight, // height of destination rectangle
IntPtr hdcSrc, // handle to source DC
int nXSrc, // x-coordinate of source upper-left corner
int nYSrc, // y-coordinate of source upper-left corner
System.Int32 dwRop // raster operation code
public static Imaging.Metafile BitmapToMetafileViaBitBlt(Forms.RichTextBox rtfBox, Drawing.Bitmap bitmap)
const int SrcCopy = 0xcc0020;
Graphics bitmapGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
IntPtr pBitmapDeviceContext = bitmapGraphics.GetHdc();
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height));
Imaging.Metafile metafile = new Imaging.Metafile(pBitmapDeviceContext, rect);
Graphics metafileGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(metafile);
IntPtr metafileDeviceContext = metafileGraphics.GetHdc();
BitBlt(pBitmapDeviceContext, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height,
metafileDeviceContext, 0, 0, SrcCopy);
return metafile;
I'm not even sure this technique is correctly copying the pixel-data. This technique fails when I try to access the data in the metafile later:
IntPtr h = metafile.GetHenhmetafile(); // ArgumentException "Parameter is not valid."
byte[] data;
uint size = GetEnhMetaFileBits(h, 0, out data);
data = new byte[size];
GetEnhMetaFileBits(h, size, out data);
stream = new IO.MemoryStream(data);
How do I convert a bitmap into a metafile without altering the pixels, and then retrieve the pixel-data again later? Thank you!
Setting Bitmap Resolution
This is how I try to set the bitmap resolution so that the metafile's resolution matches:
Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new Drawing.Bitmap(width, height,
Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // Use 32-bit pixels so that each component (ARGB) matches up with a byte
// Try setting the resolution to see if that helps with conversion to/from metafiles
Drawing.Graphics rtfGraphics = rtfBox.CreateGraphics();
bitmap.SetResolution(rtfGraphics.DpiX, rtfGraphics.DpiY);
// Set the pixel data
// Return the bitmap
return bitmap;
The rtfBox is the same one sent to BitmapToMetafileViaGraphicsDrawImage.