I'm trying to use the tabindex text input attribute to allow users to tab between fields on this page: https://seatgeek.com/login/. This works perfectly in all browsers (event IE!) except for Firefox. I'm using Firefox 3.6.10.
Because of the length of this, I decided to post it as an 'answer' rather than 'comment.' It's a bit on the edge of the definitions of both, though.
It works for me, using Firefox 3.6.10 on Ubuntu 10.04. Having said that, it appears that there's no :focus style applied (or, more likely, they've done the usual outline: none; to remove the :focus indication), which makes it annoying.
Is your status bar displayed? If not, there's no way you'd able to know where the focus is. Just in case:
View -> ✓ Status Bar
Failing that, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working for you.
David Thomas
2010-10-02 17:58:13
Hmmm, thanks for the datapoint re:OS. I'm on Windows 7. Can't you tell where the focus is by where the cursor is?
2010-10-02 17:59:23
@Jack7890: if they were `form` `input` elements, yes. But if they don't receive a text input (links for example) but respond only to a key-event, no, not really. Unless you add a user style (user.css) to define `:focus` styles. But that comes at the price of ending up with pages having a broken aesthetic (how much that matters, is a personal thing, though).
David Thomas
2010-10-02 18:04:19