I am wondering how to implement PubSubHubBub in a PHP site.I don't understand it.Can you explain me? I don't get the idea. The publisher notifies the subscriber and the subscriber - my site?
// simple example for the PHP pubsubhubbub Subscriber
// as defined at http://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/
// written by Josh Fraser | joshfraser.com | [email protected]
// Released under Apache License 2.0
$hub_url = "http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com";
$callback_url = "url to my site?";
$feed = "feed link";
// create a new subscriber
$s = new Subscriber($hub_url, $callback_url);
// subscribe to a feed
// unsubscribe from a feed
Or on $hub_url I should post my hub?