



I'm working on an app in ASP.NET MVC 2, and the output of the table looks the way I'd expect in Chrome and IE8: alt text

but this is how it looks in FF 3.6.8 it looks like this: alt text

I'm using javascript/jquery to add rows, this is the code:

        function onAddItem() {
        itemCount = itemCount + 1;
        var rowString = "<tr id=" + itemCount + ">";
        rowString = rowString + "<td>" + document.getElementById("Order_productcode").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "<td>" + document.getElementById("Order_productsku").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "<td>" + document.getElementById("Order_productdesc").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "<td align=\"right\">" + document.getElementById("ItemQuantity").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "<td>" + document.getElementById("Order_productweight").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "<td>" + document.getElementById("Order_productcost").value + "</td>";
        rowString = rowString + "</tr>";
        $row = $(rowString);
        $row.hide().fadeIn("slow").appendTo("#orderedItems table tbody");

Looking in Firebug, I found the row that gets created looks like this:

 <tr style="display: block;" id="1"><td>EC5931A-Tote</td><td>100002</td><td></td><td align="right"></td><td>0</td><td>33250.00</td></tr></tbody>

that is, it adds 'style="display: block;", which seems to be the problem (when I edited it out in Firebug, it looked correct, i.e., like in IE and Chrome). Why is FF doing that, and how can I make it stop?


EDIT: I removed the .hide().fadeIn("slow") and now it's working correctly in FF. Seems to be a bug in jquery with firefox, altho I didn't see it on the jquery site.