
You might want to check out PHP htmlentities and htmlspecialcharacters.


Note: You are using jQuery.post() and setting your data as a $_GET parameters. It should be called like;

$.post("/php/getFile.php", { action: "write", file: file, newcfg: newcfg },
     alert("Data Loaded: " + data);

You can keep your line breaks with a function like this:

function splitter($content) {
$content = str_replace(chr(10),'<br/>',$content);
$content = str_replace("<br/><br/><br/><br/>","<br/><br/>",$content);
return $content;

Which you run like:

$newcfg = splitter($newcfg);

And typoknig is right abouit special chars

Liam Bailey
The correct way to use post is exactly what I was looking for. I did not need the splitter function as I need to preserve \n instead of <br> as I am reading from and writing to unix configuration files (where a <br> wouldn't make sense). I also did not need htmlentities or htmlspecialcharacters for the same reason as above. Thank you!
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Liam Bailey
Thanks for the tip. I'm new here. I tried voting you up but I don't have enough reputation.