I'd need a MySQL query to transform my nested sets structure into XML. (no PHP)
The Problem is how to close all tags correct.
My method of resolution:
1) Find leaves
2) Make a "TAG"-string (group_concat) and make it shorter with level
This is running:
A[01,16] B[02,03] C[04,13] H[14,15] D[05,12] E[06,07] F[08,11] G[09,10] <a><b></b><c><d><e></e><f><g></g></f></d></c><h></h></a>
This is NOT running (D is wrong):
A[01,16] B[02,03] C[04,15] D[05,14] E[06,11] H[12,13] F[07,10] G[08,09]
SET @level:=0; SELECT n.*, @level:=count(*)-1+(n.lft>1), concat('<',n.name,'>', IF(n.rgt-n.lft=1, group_concat( IF( p.rgt<n.rgt+@level, concat('</',p.name,'>'), '') ORDER BY p.rgt SEPARATOR '' ) ,'') ) FROM tree n, tree p WHERE n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt GROUP BY n.id ORDER BY n.lft;
thanks a lot for helping