I'm starting to build a real-time raytracer for iOS. I'm new to this raytracing thing, all I've done so far is write a rudimentary one in ObjC. It seems to me that a C-based raytracer is going to be faster than one written in ObjC, but the ObjC one will be far simpler, as object hierarchies come in very handy. Speed is very important, though, as I want it to be real-time, say 30 fps.
What's your opinion on whether the speed up of C be worth the extra complexity? I can forsee the C code taking much longer and causing me headaches with lots of bugs (although I'm not new to C), but going for more speed is seductive initially.
Are there any examples out there of raytracers written in C? My google search for such things is contaminated with lots of results for C++ and C#.