I know the question of how to pass parameters has been asked a while back with the this Previous Stack Overflow question
However my situation involves SQL that is a bit more complex and cannot make use of the "where clause" filter available when opening a report. My SQL statement is an aggregate that produces a single row with one field for each aggregate. I have two parameters "@StartDate" and "@EndDate" that I need to pass into the query.
SELECT q1.CasesAssigned, q2.WarningsIssued
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS CasesAssigned
FROM vwCaseDetail
WHERE DateAssigned Between @StartDate AND @EndDate) as q1,
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS WarningsIssued
FROM vwWarningDetail
WHERE DateIssued Between @StartDate AND @EndDate) as q2
What I would like to do is "popup" a dialog or small form to have the user enter the Start and End dates but I have no idea on how to pass the values into the query the report is based on. Any suggestions? Thank you.