



I am unsure of the best way to handle this. In my index view I display a message that is contained in TempData["message"]. This allows me to display certain error or informational messages to the user when coming from another action (for example, if a user tries to enter the Edit action when they don't have access, it kicks them back to the Index with a message of "You are not authorized to edit this data").

Prior to displaying the message, I run Html.Encode(TempData["message"]). However, I have recently come into the issue where for longer messages I want to be able to separate the lines out via line breaks (<br>). Unfortunately (and obviously), the <br> gets encoded by Html.Encode so it doesn't cause an actual line break.

How do I process line breaks correctly in Html Encoded strings?


"Process" the message in the controller:

  1. HTMLEncode the message
  2. Insert the line break tags
  3. Add message to the TempData collection.
Dave Swersky
I think I'd rather Encode the message in the view. I think encoding in the controller is risky, as you have to make sure you do it everywhere that redirects to the Index action. It's easier to forget one spot.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach(string message in messages) { sb.Append(string.Format("{0}
", Server.HtmlEncode(message)); }

TempData["message"] = sb.ToString();

Andy Evans
+1  A: 

I agree with @Roger's comment - there is not really any need to encode anything that you have total control over.

If you still wish to be better safe than sorry (which isn't a bad thing), you could use the Microsoft AntiXss library and use the .GetSafeHtmlFragment(input) method - see HTML Sanitization in Anti-XSS Library


<%= AntiXss.GetSafeHtmlFragment(TempData["message"]) %>


Oh that is perfect. I can use that in other areas of my code as well where I want to preserve line breaks. Thanks!