I am trying to Tune a thread which does the following:
A thread pool with just 1 thread [CorePoolSize =0, maxPoolSize = 1]
The Queue used is a ArrayBlockingQueue: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html#poll%28long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit%29
Quesize = 20
The thread tries to read a request and perform an operation on it.
HOWEVER, eventually the requests have increased so much that the thread is always busy and consume 1 CPU which makes it a resource hog.
What I want to do it , instead sample the requests at intervals and process them . Other requests can be safely ignored.
What I would have to do is put a sleep in "operation" function so that for each task the thread sleeps for sometime and releases the CPU.
However , I was wondering if there is a way to use a queue which basically itself sleeps for sometime before it reads the next element. This would be ideal since sleeping a task in the middle of execution and keeping the execution incomplete just doesn't sound the best to me.
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions as well for the tasks
Edit: I have added a follow-up question here corrected the maxpool size to be 1 [written in a haste] .. thanks tim for pointing it out.