Imagefield is not working properly and I get this lengthy error -
{ "status": true, "data": "\x3cdiv id=\"edit-field-image-0-ahah-wrapper\"\x3e\x3cdiv class=\"form-item\" id=\"edit-field-image-0-upload-wrapper\"\x3e\n \x3cdiv class=\"filefield-element clear-block\"\x3e\x3cdiv class=\"widget-preview\"\x3e\x3cdiv class=\"imagefield-preview\"\x3e\x3cimg .............
whenever I upload image. After a bit of detective work, I found out that my own module, which is written for creating custom content type, is causing imagefield to fail. Does anyone know what usually trigger this type of error? Your help is much appreciated.
Imagefield - 6.x-3.7 CCK - 6.x-2.8 Filefield - 6.x-3.7 drupal 6.x