



I've got an iPhone app requesting an API, and it uses a nested param structure to pass in a username and password to login.

In my Rails controller, I'm successfully retrieving this information normally using:

username = param[:session][:username]

I'd like to test my API from shell, using cURL. But I can't figure out how to provide nested params? The code below does NOT work... And I've tried multiple variations. But just can't seem to figure it out?

curl -d '{"session":{"username":"test","password":"password"}}' http://testurl/remote/v1/sessions

Any help, much appreciated!

+2  A: 

Different frameworks may interpret http query params differently, but for rails you should be able to get away with the following:

curl -d 'session[username]=name&session[password]=pwd' http://testurl/remote/v1/sessions
Joseph Rodriguez
perfect! Thanks!