



I'm trying to get TTS to run in the background. But, I never get any sound. I have a broadcast receiver which starts a service. I put my TTS code in both of those, but it never speaks. I know the method is being called (I put a breakpoint on it), but it still doesn't work.

Here's my log, but it doesn't seem to contain anything about the TTS service.

10-04 22:45:30.663: WARN/InputManagerService(209): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4423df40
10-04 22:45:37.363: INFO/PollingManager(449): calculateShortestInterval(): shortest interval is 540000
10-04 22:45:37.413: INFO/TLSStateManager(449): org.apache.harmony.nio.internal.SocketChannelImpl@4400ece0: Wrote out 29 bytes of data with 0 bytes remaining.
10-04 22:45:38.043: ERROR/IMAPEmailService(480): Can't create default IMAP system folder Trash. Please reconfigure the folder names.
10-04 22:45:40.123: ERROR/EONS(303): EF_PNN: No short Name
10-04 22:45:41.543: ERROR/WMSTS(171): Month is invalid: 0
10-04 22:45:42.043: WARN/AudioFlinger(172): write blocked for 212 msecs, 24 delayed writes, thread 0xb998

Thanks everyone in advance!