id1 id2 year State Gender
==== ====== ====== ===== =======
1 A 2008 ca M
1 B 2008 ca M
3 A 2009 ny F
3 A 2008 ny F
4 A 2009 tx F
state, gender, [year],
count (distinct(cast(id1 as varchar(10)) + id2))
group by state, gender, [year]
i could find the distinct count through statewise. now i need to find distinct count through city wise. like in CA - 3 cities.. sfo,la,sanjose. i have a look up table that i could find the state and the city.
table2 - city
cityid name
==== ====
1 sfo
2 la
3 sanjose
table 3 - state
stateid name
==== ====
1 CA
2 Az
table 4 lookup state city
pk_cityId pk_state_id
1 1
2 1
select state,city,gender, [year],
count (distinct(cast(id1 as varchar(10)) + id2))
tabl1 p
group by state, gender, [year],city
this query to find city and state name.
select,s.state from city_state sc
inner join (select * from state)s on sc.state_id = s.state_id
inner join (select * from city)c on sc.city_id = c.city_id
i did similar to this query using the look up table but the problem is that i get the distinct count throughout the states and the same no of count is repeating for each city in the state.
ex: for count for ca : 10 then the count for cities should be like La - 5, sanjose - 4, sfo-1.
but with my query i get as sfo - 10,la-10, sanjose-10.. i couldnt find the count for the lower level. any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: i have updated the query and the lookup tables.