I am currently evaluating Scala for future projects and came across something strange. I created the following constant for us in a JSP:
val FORMATED_TIME = "formatedTime";
And it did not work. After some experimenting I decided to decompile to get to the bottom of it:
private final java.lang.String FORMATED_TIME;
public java.lang.String FORMATED_TIME();
0: aload_0
1: getfield #25; //Field FORMATED_TIME:Ljava/lang/String;
4: areturn
Now that is interesting! Personally I have been wondering for quite a while why an inspector needs the prefix get and a mutator the prefix set in Java as they live in different name-spaces.
However it might still be awkward to explain that to the rest of the team. So is it possible to have a public constant without the inspector?
PS: No tag “Scala Java interoperability”?