



I am displaying a Progress bar in Android, which is as below:

alt text

but there is a white border around the progress-bar, what if i dont want to display any border?

i.e. Only progress-bar circle and text should be shown in progress-bar dialog.

How do i display below progress bar? (How do i display progress dialog as Searching in below image:)

alt text

Update: I am failed to find the solution for this, but i think there should be some trick to display progressbar dialog in this way, i mean to say there should be a way by extending some styles in styles.xml. Please anybody focus on this question and help me to display such dialog.

+1  A: 

fter some experiments i got to te following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="my_style" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" >
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@null

if i use this theme as a style for an activity i get no frame. If you use this with the Dialog C'tor: Dialog(context, theme) you get no frame.

@codeScriber thanx for the support
PM - Paresh Mayani
+1  A: 

you can this link ,you could write your want base this link,i hope this can help you

@pengwang thanx for the support
PM - Paresh Mayani