



I use VS 2008, .NEt 3.5, and MsBuild, and I need custom task MsBuild that create a "task scheduler" that it will run when the machine restarted.

Anyone know any custom tasks in MsBuild Extensions or has any sample code about it ?

+2  A: 

I don't know of any task, but you can just use the Exec task for this. For example here is a simple usage of it for your case.

  <CommandToExecute>SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONCE /TN tempTaskName /ST $(Time) /F /TR notepad</CommandToExecute>

<Target Name="Demo">
  <Message Text="Scheduling task" />
  <Exec Command="$(CommandToExecute)"/>

This will create a new scheduled task named 'tempTaskName' for 11:27 PM.

The result in my case is: alt text

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi