




I want to filter a ObservableCollection with max 3000 items in a DataGrid with 6 columns. The user should be able to filter in an "&&"-way all 6 columns.

Should I use LINQ or a CollectionView for it? LINQ seemed faster trying some www samples. Do you have any pro/cons?


private ObservableCollection<Material> _materialList;
        private ObservableCollection<Material> _materialListInternal;

        public MaterialBrowserListViewModel()
              _materialListInternal = new ObservableCollection<Material>();          

            for (int i = 0; i < 2222; i++)
                var mat = new Material()
                    Schoolday = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    Period = i,
                    DocumentName = "Excel Sheet" + i,
                    Keywords = "financial budget report",
                    SchoolclassCode = "1",
                var mat1 = new Material()
                    Schoolday = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    Period = i,
                    DocumentName = "Word Doc" + i,
                    Keywords = "Economical staticstics report",
                    SchoolclassCode = "2",

            MaterialList = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(MaterialListInternal);
            MaterialList.Filter = new Predicate<object>(ContainsInFilter); 

        public bool ContainsInFilter(object item)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterKeywords))
                return true;   

            Material material = item as Material;
            if (DocumentHelper.ContainsCaseInsensitive(material.Keywords,FilterKeywords,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))        
                return true;          
                return false;                     

        private string _filterKeywords;
        public string FilterKeywords
            get { return _filterKeywords; }
                if (_filterKeywords == value)

                _filterKeywords = value;

        public ICollectionView MaterialList { get; set; }

        public ObservableCollection<Material> MaterialListInternal
            get { return _materialListInternal; }
                _materialListInternal = value;
+1  A: 

For an interactive (DataGrid?) experience you should probabaly use the CollectionView. For a more code-oriented sorting, LINQ.

And with max 3000 items, speed should not be a (major) factor in a UI.

Henk Holterman
I am using a CollectionViewSource filter just ONE column at the moment. Do you know why the collection is only updated when I put the .Refresh() method in the below property? private string _filterKeywords public string FilterKeywords { get { return _filterKeywords; } set { if (_filterKeywords == value) return; _filterKeywords = value; this.RaisePropertyChanged("FilterKeywords"); MaterialList.Refresh(); } }
"Do you know why ..." - No, but maybe if you add that code to the question I might be able to read it.
Henk Holterman
ok Henk I posted all important code! good night ;-)
+1  A: 
  • Using ICollectionView gives you automatic collection changed notifications when you call Refresh. Using LINQ you'll need to fire your own change notifications when the filter needs to be re-run to update the UI. Not difficult, but requires a little more thought than just calling Refresh.

  • LINQ is more flexible that the simple yes/no filtering used by ICollectionView, but if you're not doing something complex there's not really any advantage to that flexibility.

  • As Henk stated, there shouldn't be a noticable performance difference in the UI.

John Bowen