I want to encode / decode a string in AS3:
var string:String = "This is an text";
encode(string) will give for example: "yuioUasUenUwdfr"
decode(encoded(string)) will give: "This is an text";
It does not have to be secure or anything.
I want to encode / decode a string in AS3:
var string:String = "This is an text";
encode(string) will give for example: "yuioUasUenUwdfr"
decode(encoded(string)) will give: "This is an text";
It does not have to be secure or anything.
I would suggest either base64 or rot13 encoding. There are many AS3 implementations for each. Google will provide.
Another option is using a XOR cypher, with a key. This method is totally breakable, of course, but it takes a bit more work, so for obscuring your text it should be fine.
Here's a simple implementation. (It uses hurlant's Base64 encoder; This is just to make it binary-safe, not to add more obscurity)
import com.hurlant.util.Base64;
function applyXor(inputBuffer:ByteArray,key:String):ByteArray {
var outBuffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var keysBuffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var offset:int = 0;
var inChar:int;
var outChar:int;
var bitMask:int;
while(inputBuffer.bytesAvailable) {
offset = inputBuffer.position % keysBuffer.length;
inChar = inputBuffer.readUnsignedByte();
bitMask = keysBuffer[offset];
outChar = bitMask ^ inChar;
return outBuffer;
function encode(input:String,key:String):String {
var inputBuffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
inputBuffer.position = 0;
var out:ByteArray = applyXor(inputBuffer,key);
return Base64.encodeByteArray(out);
function decode(input:String,key:String):String {
var inputBuffer:ByteArray = Base64.decodeToByteArray(input);
var out:ByteArray = applyXor(inputBuffer,key);
out.position = 0;
return out.readUTFBytes(out.length);
var str:String = "This is some text. Let's add non-ascii chars like Ñ,à,ü, etc, just to test it.";
var key:String = "whatever &^%$#";
var encoded:String = encode(str,key);
var decoded:String = decode(encoded,key);
trace(decoded == str);
if you're building an AIR application, you can encrypt your data with the EncryptedLocalStore class.