This is a recursive function I wrote to determine whether or not a given user is authorized to view content on a page. It is called in essentially the following fashion:
if(authorize($_SESSION['user']['user_id'], $necessaryClearance)){
//Output restricted content
} else{
//Inform user they are not authorized
Every user has a clearance level, as well as a clearance status. This allows an authorize function to be called with $clearance as a clearance level the user has to match or beat, a clearance status that a user has to match, or an array of statuses - any one of which the user can match. Generally, the $user_id is pulled from session data ($_SESSION['user']['$user_id'], which is refreshed from a database each page load), and the clearance is set explicitly either on a per-page or per-module basis.
//This function checks if the user is authorized to view the page
//It returns 1 if access is granted and a 0 if access is denied
function authorize($id, $clearance){
//$clearance == array
if (is_array($clearance)){
//if yes Iterate array through Authorize($id, $clearance[])
foreach($clearance as $userStatus){
$tally += authorize ($id, $userStatus);
return $tally;
//if no check if $clearenance is equal to a string
}else if (is_string ($clearance)){
$string = "SELECT status
FROM users
WHERE id = '$id'
//If result returned.
if($userData = mysql_fetch_array(Query($string))){
if($clearance == $userData['status']){
return 1;
return 0;
} else{
return 0;
// if no check if $clearance is equal to a number
}else if(is_numeric($clearance)){
$string = "SELECT level
FROM users
WHERE id = '$id'
//If result returned
if($userData = mysql_fetch_array(Query($string))){
// if number is less than or equal to clearance level allow access
if($userData['level'] <= $clearance){
return 1;
return 0;
} else{
return 0;
//if nothing matches the page dies
die('Authorization has failed.');
Are there any glaring security flaws in the code?