




Database: MySql 5.1.47 on OS X

ORM Settings in Application.cfc:

this.ormEnabled = true; this.ormsettings = { autogenmap = true, dbCreate = application.dbCreate, automanageSession = true, datasource = application.dsn, logSQL = application.logSQL, sqlScript = application.sqlScript };


* These are the news items
* @persistent true
* @accessors true
* @output false
* @entityname "News"
* @table news

 property name="NewsId" type="string" fieldtype="id" ormtype="integer" generator="native" generated="insert";
 property name="Teaser" type="string" sqltype="varchar(200)";
 property name="Story" type="string" sqltype="varchar(500)";
 property name="ProductLineId" type="numeric" sqltype="int" ormtype="int" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="ProductLine" fkcolumn="ProductLineId" foreignkeyname="fk_productline_news";



* @persistent true
* @accessors true
* @output false
* @table productline

 property name="ProductLineId" sqltype="int" fieldtype="id" ;
 property name="Label" type="string" sqltype="varchar(50)";

Debug output from ORMReload()

[localhost]:10/05 21:32:00 [jrpp-70] HIBERNATE DEBUG - 
[localhost]:    create table news (
[localhost]:        NewsId integer not null auto_increment,
[localhost]:        Teaser varchar(200),
[localhost]:        Story varchar(500),
[localhost]:        **ProductLineId varchar(255)**,
[localhost]:        primary key (NewsId)
[localhost]:    )
[localhost]:10/05 21:32:00 [jrpp-70] HIBERNATE DEBUG - 
[localhost]:    create table productline (
[localhost]:        ProductLineId int not null,
[localhost]:        Label varchar(50),
[localhost]:        primary key (ProductLineId)
[localhost]:    )
[localhost]:10/05 21:32:01 [jrpp-70] HIBERNATE DEBUG - 
[localhost]:    alter table news 
[localhost]:        add index fk_productline_news (ProductLineId), 
[localhost]:        add constraint fk_productline_news 
[localhost]:        foreign key (ProductLineId) 
[localhost]:        references productline (ProductLineId)

The db creation fails when it attempts to create the foreign key relationship. Notice that the field in news is a varchar(255). Where did that come from? I tried to set it up as an integer in every place I could find but it always gets generated as a varchar. I think that is why the relationship fails since the two fields are different data types.

What am I doing wrong?

+1  A: 

try this in News.cfc instead:

property name="productLine" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="ProductLine" fkcolumn="ProductLineID" foreignkeyname="fk_productline_news"

while this works and allows the cform export to complete, the relationship does not appear to exist in MySQL. ProductLineId is still created as varchar(255). It seems like that should be int

Don't you need an ormtype on your ProductLineID property in ProductLine.cfc? And I noticed you have "ormtype=int" in one place, and ormtype=integer in another.

marc esher
Adding the ormtype="int" to ProductLine Id does seem to fix the datatype of the News table, but the relationship is still not created as far as I can tell. int vs integer should make no difference as they are synonyms in MySQL for the same thing, but I'll standardize on one.
one thing I noticed is that you have a "type=numeric" on your ProductLineID in the News component. You should probably take that off. I doubt it'll affect how hibernate creates the tables, however.
marc esher

Here are the steps I took to finally get this working correctly.

  1. Be careful of tablename case with ColdFusion/MySql/OS X. It can really kill orm. What happens is that if the wrong case treatment is used in configuring MySql, Orm will drop a table but then be unable to recreate it because MySql still thinks the table exists but with a different case. This can be particularly frustrating as the MySql tools will not actually display the table with the wrong case, but you can still query it. This is a known issue with the MySql team. My advice is to just supply all lowercase names for your tables and to set your MySql table case configuration option to 1 (Store in lowercase, case insensitive). That seemed to work for me.

  2. Make sure you set your dialect orm option to "MySQLwithInnoDb"

  3. Set ormtype on all keys.

  4. Stick with int or integer and use it consistently. I went with integer.

  5. Occasionally restart everything/reboot.

  6. I took the sqltype off of the foreign key reference in News.cfc

After I did all that, it finally started working as expected.

Here is my final News.cfc

* Theser are the news items on the home page.
* @persistent true
* @accessors true
* @output false
* @entityname "News"
* @table news

    property name="NewsId" type="string" fieldtype="id" ormtype="integer" generator="native" generated="insert";
    property name="Teaser" type="string" sqltype="varchar(200)";
    property name="Story" type="string" sqltype="varchar(500)";
    property name="ProductLine" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="ProductLine" ormtype="integer" fkcolumn="ProductLineId" foreignkeyname="fk_productline_news";
