



I am designing an API using type classes in some cases however I have encountered a problem with implicit resolution. As shown below, if there is an implicit object for type A but an object of type B extends A is passed to the method, then an implicit object cannot be found. Is there a way to make this work or do callers have to put implicit objects into scope for each subclass?

Here is an example:

class A
class B extends A

class T[+X]

object T {
  implicit object TA extends T[A]

def call[X:T](x:X) = println(x)

// compiles
call(new A)
// doesn't compile
call(new B)

var a = new A
// compiles

a = new B
// compiles

val b = new B
// doesn't compile

This fails to compile with the following output:

/private/tmp/tc.scala:16: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type this.T[this.B]
call(new B)
/private/tmp/tc.scala:28: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type this.T[this.B]
+1  A: 

Try this:

object T {
  implicit def TA[X <: A] = new T[X]

import T._

or simply:

implicit def TA[X <: A] = new T[X]
+6  A: 

The following works fine:

scala> def call[X](x: X)(implicit evidence: T[X]<:<T[X])  = println(x)
call: [X](x: X)(implicit evidence: <:<[T[X],T[X]])Unit

scala> call(new A)

scala> call(new B)

scala> val b = new B
b: B = B@30e4a7

scala> call(b)

In your case compilation fails, because def call[X:T](x:X) = println(x) is treated as call: [X](x: X)(implicit evidence$1: T[X])Unit. In order to pass the subtype, you may use generalized type constraints.

Vasil Remeniuk
Is there a way to actually get evidence$1? For example suppose T was a function and x was the parameter. I cannot call evidence(x)
Jesse Eichar
Why you cannot? You can call it by name `evidence$1`, like any other [implicit] parameter.
Vasil Remeniuk
If you have several type parameters on the method, there will be evidence$1, evidence$2 etc: `[X,Z](x: X)(implicit evidence$1: T[X],implicit evidence$2: T[Z])Unit`
Vasil Remeniuk
My question did not quite capture my needs. I loved learning this tip but my actual needs turned out to be: <code>trait T[X] extends Function1[X,Boolean]</code>. and call is: <code>def call[X](x:X)(implicit x2:T[X]) = x2(x)</code>. Turned out using T[-X] worked for me. Cool to learn about the <:< though.
Jesse Eichar
`def foo[A: M] = { val ma = implicitly[M[A]; ... }`
@jesse-eichar If T[-X] worked out for you, why not accept the answer I provided?
+5  A: 

The call call(new B) means call[B](new B)(tB) such that tb is of type T[B] or subclass of it. (A method that expects argument of type T can only expect T or subclass of T, e.g., def foo(s: String) cannot be called with argument of type Any). T[A] is not a subtype of T[B]

To fix, you can change T to be defined T[-X]. This means that the compiler will consider T[A] to be a subtype of T[B]

Problem is, even if you also define `implicit object TB extends T[B]`, `implicitly[T[B]] == T.TA`.
sounds reasonable, because TA is then more specific than TB and TA is-a TB so should be usable where T[B] is. if you want the implicit to match the type exactly, define T as T[X]