



I am using Eclipse ide,
i am creating .xhtml pages using facelets and JSF,
how can i configure my ide to work with facelets and JSF. i need get command help assistence for tags.
Give me information regardig jars i need to include and how to configure?

+2  A: 

The easiest way is to install jboss tools.

darko petreski
I need information other than jboss tools?
It must be manuval configuration....
It is a plugin for eclipse. It is intended for seam framework which uses facelets and jsf but also you can use it without seam.
darko petreski
+1 Currently I use JBoss Tools for Eclipse 3.5, it is not perfect, but really helps with Facelets+JSF development. Eclipse Helios 3.6 for Java EE developers ( has some nice tooling for JSF 2.0, but I haven't really try it to do some real work.
Abel Morelos

For that you need to install Eclipse plugins. See JavaServer Faces(JSF) Tools Project on the Eclipse site.
Make sure you use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package, use the updater (Help -> Install New Software, select the Helios site) and search for jsf.
