
Can we see a bit more code?

So far I've got this to work with manually rendered views.

print $view->render('view.phtml');

This here is the class named FooBar.php within /path/to/helper/class

class Zend_View_Helper_FooBar extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {
    public function fooBar()
        return 'random string this will be the output';

Within view.pthml

print $this->fooBar();


random string this will be the output

Manually supplying the helper path does it for me as well. This still feels quite buggy to me though. The helper path is registered through my application config file and should already be set.
Aron Rotteveel
If there is already a helper path, then your helper class must be put within that path. Is it there and not working?
Thanks for your reply, but the helper path is registered correctly. When rendering views without actually calling $this->view->render() they are being executed fine, which is what confuses. It seems like a manual call to $this->view->render() from within the controller breaks the view helpers.
Aron Rotteveel
Well . I had notice this wired issue , i used to add helpers in config resources.view.helperPath.dagho_view_helper_ = "dagho/view/helper" but after last update something had changed , i wasn't able to fix that until i add initHelper() function in the config to map it correctly , i agree with Aron its wired
Ya most likely bugish, can't do to much about it.