





i was wondering how the "projectbased matrix" authorization should work in Hudson.

Due to the help text, it should enable one to give users different accesses to different projects.

But if I enable this I get the same table as normal matrix authorization and I don't see anywhere to set on/off privileges to specific projects.

How can I set different privileges to people to specific projects ?


+4  A: 

I believe you set those rights on the project themselves, i.e. on the "Configure" page of the project (not on the global "Configure System" page)

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the red sign is there only because "vonc" is not an actual user in our referential ;)

Peter Schuetze, who backs up "my belief", points out in the comments to the Role & Strategy Plugin, where you can associate roles to jobs and to users:

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@VonC:Your believe is correct. That's how I do this and it even works. ;)
Peter Schuetze
There is an Role Strategy Plugin. You can than define roles that you can use for your project. http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Role+Strategy+Plugin
Peter Schuetze
whau... what an answer.
argh... wanted to add more :-) really superb ... thanks for this detailed and pictureous reply !!!

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