When doing a patch resize to a big bunch of JPG, PNG and GIF files, PHP drops dead quite unexpectedly with the following error message:
imagecolorsforindex() [function.imagecolorsforindex]: Color index 226 out of range
The relevant code fragment is:
protected function preserveTransparency($img, $resized, $ftype) {
if (($ftype == IMAGETYPE_PNG) || ($ftype == IMAGETYPE_GIF)) {
$tidx = imagecolortransparent($img);
if ($tidx >= 0) {
$transColor = imagecolorsforindex($img, $tidx);
$tidx = imagecolorallocate($resized, $transColor['red'], $transColor['green'], $transColor['blue']);
imagefill($resized, 0, 0, $tidx);
imagecolortransparent($resized, $tidx);
} elseif ($ftype == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
imagealphablending($resized, false);
imagesavealpha($resized, true);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($resized, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefill($resized, 0, 0, $transparent);
How could a color index not exist if was already returned by imagecolortransparent