



I've got some javascript code that applies an alpha transparency. Before it does that it attempts to detect what type of transparency the browser supports and stores that in a variable for use later. Here's what the code looks like:

// figure out the browser support for opacity
if (typeof != 'undefined') 
    opacityType = 'opacity';
else if (typeof br.backImg.filters == 'object') 
    opacityType = 'filter';
    opacityType = 'none';

For Firefox and Safari, the first condition is true, for IE7 the second condition is true, but for IE6 it falls to the last condition. Why would IE6 not have a filters object? Is there a better way of detecting this?

+2  A: 

What you understand as filters is called opacity. Real filters are a proprietary IE extension which enables opacity amongst many other things for that browser.

Try this article for cross-browser transparency techniques.

The JS equivalents are exactly the same as described: style.opacity or style.filter. More likely problem is that your doctype is transitional and/or the item you're trying to make transparent doesn't have the magical hasLayout

Thanks - I understand what the filters are. What I'm trying to figure out is how to detect which kind of opacity the browser supports so I can do the right thing in javascript.
+4  A: 

In IE7 it is filter**s** and in IE6 it is filter.

The code below returns:

  • 'opacity' if style.opacity is supported
  • 'filter' for MS filter ( IE < 7 )
  • 'filters' for MS filters ( IE7 )
  • 'none' for everything else


var opacityType=(
  (typeof !== 'undefined') ? 'opacity' :
  /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript)
    (typeof o.filters === 'object') ? 'filters' :
    (typeof o.filter === 'string') ? 'filter' :
  @end @*/

The @cc_on, @if and @_jscript are used in a conditional comment that only IE supports.

I have tested this on FF3, IE6, IE7, Opera9 and Chrome 1 but not on IE4,5,or 8.

According to quirksmode MS has changed the CSS from filter to -ms-filter so I don't know what result you get with IE8.

According to mozilla opacity has been supported since FF 0.9, Opera 9 and Safari 1.2 and filter since IE4.

I don't like to do browser sniffing, but sometimes it is necessary and conditional comments make it so much easier to handle specific IE things.
