



Is it possible to have multiple separate Canvas layers, which I can merge to one? Similar to what I'd do in photoshop?


Some explanation why I'd like to have something like that: Layer1 might hold something that has been created by a complex and CPU expensive algorithm while the other layer, Layer2, is something that just goes on top of that, but changes regularly, e.g. when a user touches the interface. For that I don't want to go through the whole process of drawing the underlaying Layer1 again, but just make the changes to Layer2 and then "merge" them.

+1  A: 

Well, you can have something like a FrameLayout in which you override onDraw() and have server sub-elements in which you also override onDraw().

This might give you the effect you want.

Miguel Morales

Out of curiosity, what can multiple canvas layers accomplish that organizing your draw order can't?

`Layer1` might hold something that has been created by a complex and CPU expensive algorithm while the other layer, `Layer2`, is something that just goes on top of that, but changes regularly, e.g. when a user touches the interface. For that I don't want to go through the whole process of drawing the underlaying `Layer1` again, but just make the changes to `Layer2` and then "merge" them.
I still don't understand why you'd need to merge the two layers. A FrameLayout with two views, the first one with your expensive graphic, the second above it, with your inexpensive UI. The second would have a transparent background so you can see through to the first. As for your question: I don't know of a built in method. Maybe you should describe more detailed what you want to do and why. Perhaps someone has a completely different solution to your base problem than the way you're trying to go.
Matthias Schippling
Yepp, the FrameLayout would work. I didn't even think about that, because I was already thinking and programming in the 2D low level graphics, that I was looking for a solution there. Anyway, the solution I finally came up with is using two offscreen bitmaps, one for the expensive graphics, and the other one for the frequent small changes. And then I just draw them on the canvas one after the other.