I have problem with inner joining 2 tables: LOOKUP
and PERF
...has only creative name and "perf." table has the creative name as well as the values to it. I need to get the values into LOOKUP
(where both the table has common creative name). FYI: UCID is nothing but creative name
Also, creative names have duplicates in both the tables, so i need to sum them up and get the distinct value. Below is the code what i have used but sum() function seems not to be working as i am seeing the different value when compared against the original table data.
Here is the code i have used
select UCID/*, [creative name]*/,
sum(perf.[delivered impressions]) as ttl_del,
sum(perf.[IMM_SUMMARY])as ttl_WSO,
sum(perf.[clicks]) as ttl_clicks,
sum(perf.[IMM_SUMMARY])/sum(perf.[delivered impressions])*100 as IMM_Score
from ADHOC_NG_UCID_lookup lookup
JOIN FILTERED_CREATIVE_EXEC_TABLE perf ON lookup.[UCID] = perf.[creative name]
where perf.[delivered impressions] > 0
and perf.[brand] in ('MALIBU')
and perf.month in ('APRIL')
and perf.[sizes] in('160x600')
group by UCID/*, lookup.[creative name]*/
order by UCID/*, [creative name]*/
Here is the code where i where use to cross check for the values (this is the original table)
select [creative name],
sum([Delivered Impressions]) asttl_del,
sum([clicks])as ttl_clicks,
sum([IMM_SUMMARY])/sum([Delivered Impressions])*100 as IMM_Score
where [delivered impressions] > 0
and [brand] in('MALIBU')
and month in('APRIL')
and [sizes] in('160x600')
group by[creative name]
order by[creative name]
Please advice or let me know why the sum() function is not working properly.
Greatly appreciate your support.