Installing an old project on a new computer.
If I type :
$> rake db:migrate
It returns:
uninitialized constant Geocode
/Users/macuser/Sites/hq_channel/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `load_missing_constant'
I sudo gem install
'd all the gems that were in the environment.rb..
I did a rake gem:install
and that didn't seem to do anything, but I didn't get any errors either.
Then I went down the list and made sure I downloaded all the gems, especially
- geocode
- geokit
- graticule
I can't use bundler because other team mates havn't installed it on this project, and have no interest in it either.
Any ideas?
Also, if I run script/server
, I get this :
=> Booting Mongrel
=> Rails 2.3.3 application starting on
/Users/macuser/Sites/hq_channel/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Geocode (NameError)
When I type rake gems
$ rake gems
(in /Users/macuser/Sites/hq_channel)
- [F] mislav-will_paginate = 2.3.11
- [F] haml = 2.2.2
- [F] binarylogic-authlogic = 2.1.1
- [R] activesupport
- [F] geokit = 1.4.1
- [F] graticule = 0.2.10
- [R] activesupport
- [F] rack = 1.0.0
- [F] gbdev-validates_as_phone_number = 0.7.5
- [F] thoughtbot-paperclip = 2.3.1
- [F] aws-s3 = 0.6.2
- [F] xml-simple
- [F] builder
- [F] mime-types
- [F] right_aws = 1.10.0
- [F] right_http_connection >= 1.2.4
- [F] mojombo-chronic = 0.3.0
- [F] mime-types = 1.16
- [F] sunspot_rails = 1.0.5
- [F] sunspot = 1.0.5
- [F] rsolr = 0.12.1
- [F] builder >= 2.1.2
- [F] escape = 0.0.4
- [F] ym4r
- [F] hoptoad_notifier
- [R] activesupport
- [F] panda = 1.0.0
- [F] ruby-hmac >= 0.3.2
- [F] rest-client >= 1.4
- [F] mime-types >= 1.16
- [F] json >= 1.2
- [R] rails = 2.3.5
- [F] wirble = 0.1.3
I = Installed
F = Frozen
R = Framework (loaded before rails starts)