



Like many things in Android, you wouldn't think this would be such a hard problem but ohhh, by golly, would you be wrong. And, like many things in Android, the API doesn't even provide a reasonably extensible starting point. I'll be damned if I'm going to roll my own ListView, when all I want is to take the thing and turn it on its side. \rant

Okay, now that I'm done fuming, let's talk about the problem itself. What I need is basically something exactly like the Gallery, but without the center-locking feature. I don't really need ListView's listSelector but it's a nice-to-have. Mostly, I could do what I want with a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView, but I need the child views to come from a ListAdapter and I would really like to have a view recycler. And I really don't want to write any layout code.

I peeked into the source code for some of these classes...

Gallery: It looks like I could use the Gallery if I override most of the 'onXyz' methods, copy all their source code, but refrain from calling scrollIntoSlots(). But I'm sure that if I do that I'll run into some member field that's inaccessible or some other unforeseen consequence.

AbsSpinner: Since the mRecycler field is package-private I doubt I'll be able to extend this class.

AbsListView: It looks like this class is only meant for vertical scrolling, so no help there.

AdapterView: I've never had to extend this class directly. If you tell me it's easy to do, and that it's easy to roll my own RecycleBin, I'll be very skeptical but I'll give it a shot.

I suppose I could possibly copy both AbsSpinner and Gallery to get what I want... hopefully those classes aren't using some package-private variable I can't access. Do y'all think that's a good practice? Does anyone have any tutorials or third-party solutions that might put me in the right direction?


Have you looked into using a HorizontalScrollView to wrap your list items? That will allow each of your list items to be horizontally scrollable (what you put in there is up to you, and can make them dynamic items similar to ListView). This will work well if you are only after a single row of items.

Two reasons I don't go with this approach: (1) It doesn't extend `AdapterView`, so I can't use it interchangeably with my `ListView` and `ListAdapter` code, and (2) There is no recycling of views. Maybe it would be possible to tack this functionality onto the scroll view, but it seems to me that it would mess with the scrolling behavior, and it would be nearly as much work as simply extending `AdapterView`.
Neil Traft