Consider this file structure:
I need to retrieve the file which name contains the highest numeric value in a directory. In the above example, it is locaux-S05_1.html
I came up with glob() as an efficient way to only get the locaux-S*.html files but i'm stuck in the next step: finding the one which filename contains the highest value.
$files= glob(LOCAUX_FILE_PATH.'/locaux-S*.html');
foreach($files as $key=> $value){
// loop through and get the value in the filename. Highest wins a trip to download land!
$end = strrpos($value,'.');
$len= strlen($value);
$length = $len-$end;
$str = substr($value,8,$length);
// this gives me the meat, ex: 03_02. What next?
Any pointer would be very appreciated.