




I've got this complex filtering mechanism...

d = copy(request.GET)
d.setdefault('sort_by', 'created')
d.setdefault('sort_dir', 'desc')
form = FilterShipmentForm(d)
filter = {
    'status': ShipmentStatuses.ACTIVE
exclude = {}
if not request.user.is_staff:
    filter['user__is_staff'] = False

if request.user.is_authenticated():
    exclude['user__blocked_by__blocked'] = request.user

if form.is_valid():
    d = form.cleaned_data
    if d.get('pickup_city'): filter['pickup_address__city__icontains'] = d['pickup_city']
    if d.get('dropoff_city'): filter['dropoff_address__city__icontains'] = d['dropoff_city']
    if d.get('pickup_province'): filter['pickup_address__province__exact'] = d['pickup_province']
    if d.get('dropoff_province'): filter['dropoff_address__province__exact'] = d['dropoff_province']
    if d.get('pickup_country'): filter['pickup_address__country__exact'] = d['pickup_country']
    if d.get('dropoff_country'): filter['dropoff_address__country__exact'] = d['dropoff_country']
    if d.get('min_price'): filter['target_price__gte'] = d['min_price']
    if d.get('max_price'): filter['target_price__lte'] = d['max_price']
    if d.get('min_distance'): filter['distance__gte'] = d['min_distance'] * 1000
    if d.get('max_distance'): filter['distance__lte'] = d['max_distance'] * 1000
    if d.get('available_on'): # <--- RELEVANT BIT HERE ---
        filter['pickup_earliest__lte'] = d['available_on'] # basically I want "lte OR none"
        filter['pickup_latest__gte'] = d['available_on']
    if d.get('shipper'): filter['user__username__iexact'] = d['shipper']

order = ife(d['sort_dir'] == 'desc', '-') + d['sort_by']

shipments = Shipment.objects.filter(**filter).exclude(**exclude).order_by(order) \
    .annotate(num_bids=Count('bids'), min_bid=Min('bids__amount'), max_bid=Max('bids__amount'))

And now my client tells me he wants pickup/drop-off dates to be 'flexible' as an option. So I've updated the DB to allow dates to be NULL for this purpose, but now the "available for pickup on" filter won't work as expected. It should include NULL/None dates. Is there an easy fix for this?


Don't think that's actually a django-specific question. Variable 'd' is a python dictionary, no? If so, you can use this:

filter['pickup_latest__gte'] = d.get('available_on', None)

It's very django specific. The filter keys correlate to Django's ORM.
+1  A: 

Most database engines don't like relational comparisons with NULL values. Use <field>__isnull to explicitly check if a value is NULL in the database, but you'll need to use Q objects to OR the conditions together.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Bummer... I was hoping I could avoid Q objects, that function is nasty enough as is. What should I do then? Make `filter` a list instead of a dict, and push Q objects onto it instead, then if I do `Shipment.objects.filter(*filter)` it should work, right?
Correct. or you could `reduce()` it with `operator.and_` instead.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
+1  A: 

Flip the logic and use exclude(). What you really want to do is exclude any data that specifies a date that doesn't fit. If pickup_latest and pickup_earliest are NULL it shouldn't match the exclude query and wont be removed. Eg

exclude['pickup_latest__lt'] = d['available_on']
exclude['pickup_earliest__gt'] = d['available_on']
Will Hardy
Oh...right! Of course! :) This would have been the easiest solution, but I already went ahead with Q-objects.