Update: Ok now I see what you're getting at. Bad news is I don't use MSTest or a MSTest fixture to find out..
In NUnit, you could
>"nunit-console.exe" API_Tests.dll /out:My.log /labels
THis outputs the following log file
***** Test.Gumba.API_Tests.Tests.ArithmeticProgression.DummyTest2
Woohoo! made it till test2
***** Test.Gumba.API_Tests.Tests.ArithmeticProgression.GeneratesTheRightProgressionAsSpecifiedByTheUser
Try#0 failed. due to 0. Retrying NUnit.Framework.AssertionException: Expected is <System.Int32[10]>, actual is <System.Int32[0]>
I was looking at the command line switches for MSTest and the following looks interesting
mstest /testcontainer:Some.dll /detail:testname
--------------- previous answer follows -----
To answer your question to the point, 'Execute around' methods can be done using a method that takes a delegate. However if you could elaborate on why you need this, maybe there is a better solution to achieve whatever it is you're after
private void LogAround(Action action)
// log entry with calling method name using StackTrace class
// log exit
and calls would be
Do( delegate {
// test code