



hello I'm new to PHP and I need help to understand the basics of PHP class.

I want to have example of a class that uses private public protected and static.
and how do they work..

Thanks in advance.

Oh I forgot how to extends also. I'm talking about the parent and child something or what.. Thanks again.

+2  A: 

All you need : !


Definitely agree with everyone else. You should read up on the 550 million online PHP manuals including the links provided in other answers. In the meantime, you get this:

class one {
   private $name;
   const ONE = 'ONE';

   // php magic function.  allocate memory for object upon instantiation
   // called with new
   public function __construct($name = null) {

   protected function name() {
      return $this->name;

   // php magic function called when object variable is accessed in a string context
   public function __toString() {
      return __CLASS__ . ': ' . $this->name;

   // static functions can be called without instantiation
   public static function con() {
      echo self::ONE;

   private function init($name) {
      $this->name = $name;

// two cannot overwrite method init() -- it is private.
// two has no access to $name.  It is private in one and not visible to two
class two extends one {
   // protected methods can be overwritten
   protected function name() {
      return parent::name();
   // so can public methods
   public function __toString() {
      return __CLASS__ . ': ' . $this->name();

// static method call; no instantiation needed
echo one::con() . "\n"; // ONE
// public methods can be called by child class
echo two::con() . "\n"; // ONE
$one = new one('uno');
echo "$one\n"; // one: uno
$two = new two('dos');
echo "$two\n"; // two: dos
$one->name(); // bork! No public access to this method