Include columns can only be used to supply columns to the SELECT
portion of the query. They cannot be used as part of the index for filtering.
EDIT: To further clarify my point, consider this example:
I create a simple table and populate it:
create table MyTest (
ID int,
Name char(10)
insert into MyTest
(ID, Name)
select 1, 'Joe' union all
select 2, 'Alex'
Now consider these 3 indexes and their corresponding execution plans for a simple SELECT.
select ID, Name
from MyTest
where Name = 'Joe'
Case 1: An index on just ID results in a TABLE SCAN.
create index idx_MyTest on MyTest(ID)

Case 2: An index on ID including name. Somewhat better because the index covers the query, but I still get a SCAN operation.
create index idx_MyTest on MyTest(ID) include (Name)

Case 3: An index on Name including ID. This is the best. The index is built on the column in my WHERE clause, so I get a SEEK operation, and the index covers the query because of the included column.
create index idx_MyTest on MyTest(Name) include (ID)