Hi Everyone,
[10/6/10 16:40:16:472 UTC] 0000002b SystemErr R log4j:ERROR Error occured while sending e-mail notification.
[10/6/10 16:40:16:472 UTC] 0000002b SystemErr R javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: No authentication mechansims supported by both server and client
I'm getting this error when trying sending email notification using log4j 1.2.16 and Javamail 1.4.4 snapshot (using SMTP Debug):
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: Attempt to authenticate
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: check mechanisms: LOGIN PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 NTLM
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: mechanism LOGIN not supported by server
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: mechanism PLAIN not supported by server
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: mechanism DIGEST-MD5 not supported by server
[10/7/10 17:15:57:097 UTC] 00000074 SystemOut O DEBUG SMTP: mechanism NTLM not supported by server
We have an Exchange 2007 as smtp server
When i was testing my Web App on a Windows client it worked fine (using the NTLM Authentication).
However when i deployed my web App on AIX it doesn't work. Is there a workaround ?