I have a ComboBox in an EditorGrid. I am populating it (trying) using JSON, which is produced by serializing an IList<FertilizerType>
. I want the valueField of the ComboBox to be equal to the FertilizerType
objects and the displayField equal to FertilizerType.Name
Here is a Crop
{\"Id\":1300,\"Active\":true,\"Code\":\"Ammonium Bicarbonate\",\"Description\":\"Ammonium Bicarbonate\",\"GroupName\":\"FertilizerType\",\"Name\":\"Ammonium Bicarbonate\",\"Ordinal\":1}
Why do I want to set the valueField to an object you might ask? Well, all the data in the grid is part of a Crop
object. The ComboBox needs to return a FertilizerType
so that Crop.FertilizerType
can be populated.
Here is my Column definition:
header: 'Fertilizer Type',
dataIndex: 'FertilizerType',
width: 170,
editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: new Ext.data.Store({
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url: Cbp.baseUrl + 'Controller/GetFertilizerTypes'
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({}, ['FertilizerType', 'FertilizerType.Name']),
remoteSort: false
valueField: 'FertilizerType',
displayField: 'FertilizerType.Name',
hiddenName: 'FertTypeObject',
mode: 'remote',
minChars: 0
Thanks for any help! This is driving me nuts!