



I have a PHP script that allows image upload. I modified it slightly to load newly uploaded image into a modal window in order to allow manual crop, if needed.

It seems I got it working in FireFox (all the way until actual crop). IE throws an error: "Object does not support this property or method" and Opera just chokes and does not know what to show...

I am out of ideas what is causing this. Here's the page, click "Add New Scene" and submit some image to upload to view described behavior:

Any insight will be highly appreciated.

UPDATE: decided to go with a different class.


javascript libraries are not properly loaded.

Check the view source that the jquery file is included.

Check the jquery version also.

Ok Now

var addthis_config = {
    ui_cobrand: "",
    ui_header_color: "#ffffff",
    ui_header_background: "#cc0000",
    services_compact: "aolmail, hotmail, live, typepad, ymail, google, squidoo, stumbleupon, delicious, reddit, googlebuzz, digg, linkedin, favorites, more",
    services_exclude: "print",
    data_track_clickback: true

This is your js . got it from your source only

semi colon missing or something !!


It is the latest stable version: jquery-1.4.2.min.js and yes, I can see it through view source link.
Tried commenting it out -- no change.
There's no need for semi colon here. It's just a list of params in an array format.