
Using sIFR in nyroModal lightbox

I'm using sIFR in a page that's being popped up in a nyroModal lightbox, but when the page is displayed, the sIFR objects aren't being shown. What do I need to do to get them to show? ...

jQuery nyroModal with ASP.NET using Web Services

Hi, I have been using the jQuery nyroModal plugin for a little bit of time, and frankly its one of the best modal plugins I've used to date! I'm hoping that a lot of other people have also used this plugin, hence me requiring some help with regards to using it along with ASP.NET. I have however run into a problem with it in the past a...

ASP.Net + jQuery + jQuery validation plugin + UpdatePanel + nyroModal - success firing on each field!

I have a form containing a list of input fields that the user populates with prices (numbers). I have set their css classes to "required" and "number" so that the jQuery validation plugin validates them accordingly. All that is working perfectly well. The errors are displayed when each field is either not a number or the value is missing...

jQuery nyromodal + ASP.Net + UpdatePanel/AJAX - endShowContent not working, flickers, loses focus..

Hi All, I am using the jQuery nyroModal plugin within ASP.Net. I love nyroModal, and overall its working very nicely. But I am using the endShowContent callback to set focus to the first text input element on the page's content after nyromodal is finished loading. To achieve this I have the following code on the page that initiates the...

ASP.Net UpdatePanel + Gridview + Hyperlinks + jQuery nyroModal plugin - Entire new window opening, but I just want a modal

Hi All, I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView inside it. The Gridview has a TemplateColumn containing a Hyperlink. Using jQuery at the start of the page, I set all of these hyperlinks to become nyroModal modal hyperlinks. I.e. so when you click them, the target page is loaded into a modal dialogue. This code is: <script type="text/ja...

Nested ASP.Net web forms + nyromodal : Postbacks die after modal is closed.

Hi All, I have an ASP.Net web page, which uses a Master Page template. The page has an UpdatePanel with some basic AJAX functionality (change the value of a DropDownList and the UpdatePanel will refresh). This is all working nicely. I also have a link that pops up a nyromodal Modal, inside the modal, another ASP.Net web form is loaded...

jqmodal and nyromodal will not work w/ Jquery 1.3.2 and Firefox toolbar extension

I've been trying to create my own firefox toolbar with commands that will open and close a modal dialog using either jqModal or nyroModal. In both cases the act of opening the dialog causes errors and I can't find anything out there as to why modals would break. Browser: Firefox 3.0.11 JQuery: v1.3.2 jqModal: r14 nyroModal: 1.5.0 Sampl...

Modal box gallery with nyroModal

Anyone knows how to create a modal box with nyroModal where a big image is visible and below that image a set of thumbnails and when someone clicks on these thumbnails the big image is changing in the same window? ...

How do you switch off the Image Count in NyroModal (lightbox) when displaying images

When using NyroModal to display images it automatically shows the image count of how many are in the collection in the H1 tag when the popup occurs i.e. "1/3", "2/3", "3/3" Does anyone know how to siwtch this off or manipulate the h1 tag? I'm also interested in NyroModal automatically positioning the h1 tag at the bottom of the image i...

jQuery Modal not showing <script> tags with AJAX page request

I use a plug-in called nyroModal to call a page via AJAX and display it in a modal window. When the AJAX gets the page, it creates a div on the current page, when nyroModal then styles and creates the modal page for you. Problem is, it seems to strip off all the tags out of the requested page. Using firebug I can see the tags in the re...

nyroModal forcing a page redirection

I have a contact form that is called using this: <a id="modalContact" class="nyroModal" href="contact/index.php" title="Contacto"><img src="assets/img/page_flip.png" alt="" /></a> and here's the javascript (jQuery) that is executed when the user clicks it: $(function(){ $('#modalContact').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault...

ASP.Net Postback not working in JQuery Nyromodal popup

I have a Default.aspx page which loads a popup using JQuery Nyromodal popup. Within the popup I have which needs to postback on clicking the button. But when I click on the button in the popup window, URL in main window is replaced with popup window URL and also the data in modal popup is not posting back. Thanks ...

Problem with RaiseCallbackEvent in modal popup

I have a popup opened using NyroModal plugin to logout of the application. In the Popup when the button is clicked RaiseCallbackEvent event in the codebehind in popup is not executed. PopUp Code: <script src="../Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../Scripts/jquery.nyroModal-1.5.5.js" type="text/javas...

nyromodal iframe size problem

Hi I have a jquery gallery (galleriffic), which opened nyroModal and a good set size. I want to post pictures on this page (page open with nyromodal where is gallery). When I use an iframe, the page size has the wrong value. jquery code used on the gallery.aspx, which is run as a nyromodal: <script language="javascript" type="text/jav...

can't jQuery 3d party dialog to do what i want :)

i'm using NyroModal, a 3rd party jQuery based dialog script. According to these settings, I should be able to do this: $.nyroModalManual({ type : 'ajax', url : '/url', 'ajax' : { url : '/url', data : 'somedata=1' } }); However I receive an error "$.ajax() is not defined". How could this be? p.s. If I ...

nyroModal Window on flash background

I've got a Flex App running at 100% width and 100% height. The embed code is: <script type="text/javascript"> var fVars = {}; fVars.wmode = "transparent"; //also tried "opaque" swfobject.embedSWF("/swf/app.swf", "app", "100%", "100%", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", fVars); </script> <div class="app"></div> I've also got th...

nyroModal Lightbox issue

I'm using the latest version 1.6.2 version of nyromodal lightbox jQuery.nyroModalSettings({title:'Manual Title'}); It wont refelect any title on the lightbox title remains empty. I also tried: jQuery.nyroModalManual({ title:'Manual Title' }); Nothing reflects. If anyone has an idea please put it forward, Gobi:) ...

javascript gallery with JQuery and nyroModal

Hello, I discovered nyroModal extension to JQuery. This seems pretty cool to make a photo gallery with nice effect. I have the following code... it works when I open it from the file explorer (Finder on Mac), but when I put it on my web server... it does not work anymore. Instead of the cool gallery, the photo on which I click is only d...

jQuery qTip - link to a hidden div from inside a tooltip

I am trying to place a link inside a tooltip (qTip) that when clicked shows the content of a hidden div inside a lightbox (nyroModal). Regular anchor tag not in a tooltip links to the div opening content in a lightbox successfully. Code: http://jsbin.com/omafe/2/ Might need to copy code to notepad, save as html and open the file. (jsbi...

Cross-browser JS inconsistencies

I have a PHP script that allows image upload. I modified it slightly to load newly uploaded image into a modal window in order to allow manual crop, if needed. It seems I got it working in FireFox (all the way until actual crop). IE throws an error: "Object does not support this property or method" and Opera just chokes and does not k...