




Is there a way to keep track of how a wsdl to a service has evolved over time? Right now what I do is add a service reference to a dummy project and generate a proxy. When there are any changes to the same wsdl, I add another reference to the same url and generate another proxy; then compare the generated classes in a class diagram. I dont updte the service because then I would lose the proxy class generated on the older version of the WSDL.

Is there a better way or any tools to do this that just looks up the URL and stores a visual representation of the wsdl and later when the wsdl gets updated it creates a new visual and performs a comparison of what was generated earlier and what is present now? The way I do it works well when passing simple types, but it gets more complex and tedious when passing a large class with multiple properties.

Note: this is not comparing two different wsdls on different urls. I dont want to compare the wsdls in a text based file comparer.

Thanks for your time.