



Because of some non standard table creation options I am forced to use the sql dump instead of the standard schema.rb (i.e. I have uncommented this line in the environment.rb config.active_record.schema_format = :sql). I have noticed that when I use the sql dump that my fixtures do not seem to be loaded into the database. Some data is loaded into it but, I am not sure where it is coming from. Is this normal? and if it is normal can anybody tell me where this other data is coming from?


If you are loading the DB from the script you dumped, that should be all that is in there. If you see anything else I would try dropping the db and recreating it from the script to make sure.

Also, if you just want to load the fixtures, you can run:

rake db:fixtures:load


You may want to look for a way to include your options in the migrations. In my experiance it nearly always pays off to do things the rails way. If it helps, I would add custom options for using mysql cluster by using the :options option on create table:

class CreateYourTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :your_table, :options => "ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER" do |t|