I am getting an error in my MVC-based website surrounding data concurrency in Linq to SQL:
"Row Not Found Or Changed"
After reading several posts on here it seems as though an accepted solution is to set all non-Primary key fields to UpdateCheck = false in the dbml designer. Before taking the plunge with this, I wanted to ask, will I be losing anything if I do this?
To be honest, it seems to me like this should always be the case, as using the primary key should be the fastest way to find a record anyway. This would be assuming that you don't have any composite PKs. I'm not terribly familiar with data concurrency scenarios, but am I missing something here?
Thanks for your time!
Thanks for the feedback guys! To give some more detail, the specific scenario I have is this:
I have an Article table with a number of fields (title, content, author, etc.). One of the fields that gets updated very frequently (anytime anyone views the article), is a popularity field, which gets incremented with every click. I saw the original error mentioned above when I updated the article text in the database. Then navigated to that article on the live site (which attempted to update the popularity field).
For starters it sounds like I need to NOT be using a shared DataContext. Beyond that, maybe look into setting certain fields to UpdateCheck never. That being said, I definitely do not want the Article Popularity to not get update due to some concurrency issue. So with that being the case, is there a way for me to ensure this with optimistic concurrency?
Thanks again!!