Which is a good java REST framework?
I would like it to be deployed with Tomcat 6.
Which is a good java REST framework?
I would like it to be deployed with Tomcat 6.
You can try RESTEasy. It isn't application server dependent. (Doesn't require an AS at all).
You can also try an alternative, but you really should use a JAX-RS implementation :
I've had a pretty good experience with Jersey. It's pretty easy to integrate it with Tomcat.
See my answer on: RESTFul Web Development with Java EE 6:
I'd recommend you have a look at:
(One question though: why specifically do you need to be able to integrate with Java EE?)
EDIT: In the case where you absolutely want to use the Java EE APIs, then as mentioned by BalusC, [JAX-RS][8] is your solution of choice. Restlet and Jersey both support it. I don't know about RESTEasy, but the JAX-RS Wikipedia page mentions it does.
[8]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAX-RSWikipedia page mentions it does.
I have had good experiences with Restlet: http://www.restlet.org/
Here is a tutorial on running Restlet in Tomcat: http://danilogurovich.wordpress.com/2008/09/23/a-simple-restlet-demo-application/
AFAIK, Jersey is the JAX-RS reference implementation. I've used it several times for REST webservice servers.
Play! framework is very good, also more easier than Jersey. You can use with or without tomcat.