



Is there a Haskell library that allows me to have a Map from ranges to values? (Preferable somewhat efficient.)

let myRangeMap = RangeMap [(range 1 3, "foo"),(range 2 7, "bar"),(range 9 12, "baz")]
in  rangeValues 2
==> ["foo","bar"]
+3  A: 

Perhaps the rangemin library does what you want?

Good old Data.Map (and its more efficient Data.IntMap cousin) has a function

splitLookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> (Map k a, Maybe a, Map k a)

which splits a map into submaps of keys less than / greater than a given key. This can be used for certain kinds of range searching.

Yes, Data.Map certainly is useful here. I've used this quite successfully for "closest address to" type routing of network messages. the `minView` and `maxView` along with their `*WithKeys` cousins are also useful.
+4  A: 

This task is called a stabbing query on a set of intervals. An efficient data structure for it is called (one-dimensional) segment tree.

The SegmentTree package provides an implementation of this data structure, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to use it. (I feel that the interface of this package does not provide the right level of abstraction.)

Tsuyoshi Ito