



I want to write a simple python web application to provide a gui to a command line program (think of hg serve, for example). It would run locally only. I don't want it to have any external dependencies for an easier deployment, so python web programming in general wouldn't apply here

How can it be done with a minimal hassle? Any pointer how to do it easily with cgi or wsgi, string.Template or string.Formatter? I'd prefer a Python 2.6 solution, but even a Python 3.x one is OK. I'd also prefer using a few html templates to manually assembling html together.

UPDATE: The ideal solution would include ways

  • to process a form
  • to upload/download a file
  • to output html
  • to start a webserver

Are you looking for something like SimpleHTTPServer?

Santiago Lezica
Well, it's part of what I'm looking for, please, see the update to my question.
Adam Schmideg

Maybe twisted is the way to go? Or do you consider this to be too much of an external dependency?

There are dozens of wonderful python web frameworks, I know. This question is about NOT using any of them, including twisted.
Adam Schmideg
+4  A: 

The wsgiref package from the standard library has a simple server to serve wsgi applications. You can use it to run your own framework-less wsgi application, a minimal wsgi application isn't terribly difficult (see the hello world example at the end of the wsgiref documentation page)

You might want to relax the "standard library" requirement a little. You're going to have "dependencies" on your own modules anyway, is it really that bad to use something where someone else has already done the work? Some of the so-called "microframeworks" shouldn't be too much of a problem for deployment. Bottle for example, comes as a single file module and has no dependencies other than stdlib (haven't used Bottle yet myself, but I picked that one as an example mainly because of the single file/no dependencies)

+1 you made me reconsider my original requirement. Thanks for the microframework pointer. Bottle looks interesting.
Adam Schmideg
I can certainly recommend Bottle. I have been using it for exactly the scenario described in the question.
Muhammad Alkarouri