



Is there a way to redirect https:// requests to http:// by adding a rule in the domain's vhost file? I'm using NGINX.

+3  A: 

Why is something like that useful? At first look I wasn't sure if it could be done. But it presented an interesting question.

You might try putting a redirect statement in your config file and restarting your server. Two possibilities might happen:

  1. The server will issue the redirect - what you seem to want.
  2. The server will first do the https exchange, and THEN issue the redirect, in which case, what's the point?

Will add more if I come up with something more concrete.

UPDATE: (couple of hours later) You could try this. You need to put this in your nginx.conf file -

server {
       listen 443;
       server_name _ *;
       rewrite ^(.*) http://$host$1 permanent;

Sends a permanent redirect to the client. I am assuming you are using port 443 (default) for https.

server {
    listen      80;
    server_name _ *;

Add this so that your normal http requests on port 80 are undisturbed.

+1  A: 
location / {
    if ($scheme = https) {
        rewrite ^(.*)? http://$http_host$1 permanent;
Daniel Hai
might need to add a location flag that is more encompassing than / if you want to ensure everything is matched. But the answer with server is probably best to be honest. How are you handling vhosts anyways?
Daniel Hai

The only simple rule is already explained on the post above me:

server {
listen ip:443;
rewrite ^(.*) http://$host$1 permanent;

or if you want it to be a single line:

server { listen ip:443; server_name; rewrite ^(.*) http://$host$1 permanent;}