



I have a webpage which redirects to another url in the form of

I'm wondering if there's anyway for WWW::Mechanize to follow instead of


WWW::Mechanize subclasses LWP::UserAgent, so you can still use any of LWP::UserAgent's methods. Thus you can use the simple_request() method, which doesn't automatically handle redirects. It just returns you the response as an HTTP::Resonse object. Which means you can use the is_redirect() and header() methods to get the redirect URI. Which means you can then use the URI module to pull off everything after the #.


Your code would look something like this:

my $response = $mech->simple_request( HTTP::Request->new(GET => '') );
if( $response->is_redirect ) {
  my $location = $response->header( "Location" );
  my $uri = new URI( $location );
  my $new_url = $uri->scheme . $uri->opaque;
# And here is where you do the load of the new URL.

There may be some twiddling to do, potentially around the header() line, but this would be the general idea.

I think I might have just unset the fragment portion, but it's basically the same approach. You'd do the same thing in a reponse_done handler.
brian d foy

WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent, so the answer is the same.

If you want to handle the redirect yourself to rewrite URLs, you might want to use a response_done or response_redirect handler. See the "Handlers" section of the LWP::UserAgent docs.

As for "properly", the HTTP specification doesn't say what a client should do with a fragment except in 14.6 in the case of a referrer header (and that's the only place the word "fragment" even shows up).

brian d foy