



As a Microsoft .NET developer I have noticed a marked increase in the number of new Open Source frameworks and software tools that directly impact how your design a software solution. So much so that if you don't happen to be talking to the right person at the right time you may miss a whole major development. I started to wonder if there is anyone out there who is tracking and charting the "most active open source projects" over time. To be able to visualize what are the up and coming and most active open source projects appearing in any given space/category (e.g c#/web development space) would be incredibly useful. Searching around on the web I have only managed to find visualizations of specific projects (e.g. code_swarm and Gource) but nothing tracking Open Source projects over-all.

Do you know of any such sites?

+1  A: is such a website - provides description, summaries and categorization for many open source projects; shows info about commit activities and lots of other useful info.

for an example check this out -

Hope this helps :o)

Boris Chervenkov